Wednesday, May 14, 2014

How to share internet via WIFI in Windows 8

If you want to share your Laptops internet connection via WIFI with your mobile or with another PC, unline Windows 7 its bit hectic. Hope this is useful for you if you cannot share WIFI in your WIndows 8 machine.

Steps are as follows:
1. Open Command prompt as "Administrator"
2. Type command "netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=XXXX key=YYYYY". XXXX is the network name and YYYY is the password. And Press ENTER. 
3. To start the network type "netsh wlan start hostednetwork" and Press Enter. 
4. Optional: To see the network you just created type "netsh wlan show hostednetwork" and Press ENTER.

If there is no errors coming, you have successfully created your own WIFI network.  Now you need to share your ethernet connection. To do so follow the steps below.

1. right click on the bottom right Network and click on "Open Network and sharing center"
2. Click on "Change adapter settings"
3. Right Click and go to properties of your internet connection that you need to share, mine it is "Mobile Boradband 2".
4.  Go to "Sharing" tab and tick "Allow other users to connect internet through this computers connection"  and select "Local Area Network * 14".

Thats it!
